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Our House

In 1901, Eta moved to 601 North Henry Street, the second chapter house and first women's fraternity in Madison to build its own house. Eta housed military personnel in both World War I and World War II.

Kappa Kappa Gamma is located on the corner of Henry Street and Langdon Street. A block from Lake Mendota and  a 3 minute walk from State Street, Kappa is perfectly located in the heart of Madison! Our house was also featured in both the Cosmopolitan and Teen Vogue articles "The 22 Most Stunning Sorority Houses in America" and "Most Beautiful Sorority Houses Across the Country", respectively. 

“Living in the house was hands down an experience like no other. it was so nice to be able to run into literally any room at any time and talk to someone or borrow clothes. I got so close to so many girls that I wasn’t close with before, and I’m going to miss with living with them!!” - Paige Herzog

“My best memories from this year have come from living in the kappa house. I am so sad that we didn’t get to spend the full year living there, but I know that I will still be there all the time next year.” - Alexis Teller

"The kappa house is a dream. I love hanging out there with my sisters, and can't wait to live there next semester!" - Hillary Rosenfeld

"My favorite memory at the kappa house were our movie nights. We would all snuggle up in the lemon room at least once a week and put on a good movie. The house has the most comfortable vibe. It makes me feel so at home." - Eden Sanderson